@article{oai:kwjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001072, author = {住澤, 知之 and 田中, 友莉恵 and 宮内, 香奈 and 浜崎, 眞美 and 胸元, 孝夫 and 竹中, 正巳 and 宮内, 朝世}, journal = {鹿児島女子短期大学紀要, BULLETIN OF KAGOSHIMA WOMEN'S COLLEGE}, month = {}, note = {In our previous report, it was suggested the daily ingestion of dried-bonito broth might enhance the basal metabolism and prevent lifestyle-related diseases. To revalidate this possibility and the effects for mood states by dried-bonito broth, 24 healthy young female subjects ingested dried-bonito broth for 40 or 42 days. Measurement of body composition, blood biochemical parameters and mood states using the profile of mood states (POMS) questionnaire were performed before and after the ingestion periods. The body weight, soft lean mass, blood HDL cholesterol level and blood adiponectin level after the ingestion periods were significantly higher than that before the ingestion. The decrease in blood free fatty acids level was also significant. And the tendency for increase in body weight, soft lean mass and blood adiponectin level seemed to be representative for our previous finding. On the other hand, the increase in blood HDL cholesterol level and the decrease in blood free fatty acids level did not. The changes in mood states by dried-bonito broth ingestion were not significant. This study clarified that the reproducibility of enhancement in the basal metabolism and prevention against lifestyle-related diseases by the daily ingestion of dried-bonito broth.}, pages = {5--9}, title = {鰹出汁摂取によるヒトの体組成,血液検査値及び精神状態の変化}, volume = {49}, year = {2014} }