@article{oai:kwjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001542, author = {池田, 哲之 and 上畠, まゆみ}, issue = {37}, journal = {南九州地域科学研究所所報, THE BULLETIN OF THE INSTITUTE}, month = {Mar}, note = {In this treatise, we considered measures to promote traditional Japanese culture that is on the verge of disappearing. Generational changes and lifestyle changes put traditional Japanese culture at risk of survival. In terms of ensuring cultural diversity, this situation cannot be neglected. Therefore, this paper confirms the outline of traditional Japanese culture-related legislation, point out its problems, and takes up the attempt of traditional culture education in public junior high schools as a place to spread and enlighten traditional Japanese culture, and discusses its issues and possibilities.}, pages = {11--22}, title = {伝統文化教育の課題と展望(Ⅰ): 鹿児島市立中学校における能教育の取組事例より}, year = {2021} }