@article{oai:kwjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000264, author = {吉元, 誠 and 木戸, めぐみ and 杉田, 望美 and 水元, 綾子 and 吉崎, 惠 and 氏原, 邦博 and 倉田, 理恵 and ヨシモト, マコト and キド, メグミ and スギタ, ノゾミ and ミズモト, アヤコ and ヨシザキ, メグミ and ウジハラ, クニヒロ and クラタ, リエ and YOSHIMOTO, Makoto and KIDO, Megumi and SUGITA, Nozomi and MIZUMOTO, Ayako and YOSHIZAKI, Megumi and UJIHARA, Kunihiro and KURATA, Rie}, journal = {鹿児島女子短期大学紀要}, month = {}, note = {P(論文), The potential chemopreventive properties of the molasses from sugarcane were examined to promote the demand of this residue from the sugarcane industry. Roast of the molasses at temperature between 140 and 180℃ for 20 min enhanced remarkably the DPPH-radical scavenging activity in comparison with non-roast one. The molasses roasted at 160℃ showed the maximum DPPH-radical scavenging activity at temperature between 100℃ and 200℃ for 20 min. Extract from roasted molasses at 160℃ for 20 min showed stronger antimutagenicity than one from non-roast one at 10 mg additional content. The increase and decrease in DPPH-radical scavenging activity and polyphenolic contents were similar to the browning pattern by the roast, suggesting that the antioxidative components may be the polyphenolic-related one. These results indicate that the roasted molasses from sugarcane is available for the material with physiological functions.}, pages = {35--42}, title = {サトウキビ廃糖蜜の焙煎によるDPPHラジカル消去能の増加と抗変異原性(自然科学編)}, volume = {47}, year = {2012} }