@article{oai:kwjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000449, author = {高島, まり子 and タカシマ, マリコ and TAKASHIMA, Mariko}, journal = {鹿児島女子短期大学紀要}, month = {Feb}, note = {P(論文), The purpose of this study was to develop the new hardiness scale for Japanese college students, and to investigate the effects of hardiness on the relationship between stressor and stress response. The measure of hardiness were constructed according to the three subcomponents -commitment, control, and challenge- identified by Kobasa (1979). First, the new hardiness scale was administered to 420 college students, and analyzed by factor analysis. As expected, it was revealed that this scale was divided into three subscales (commitment, control, and challenge), and each subscale and full scale had adequate reliability according to the test-retest method and internal consistency. Second, 277 college students completed a questionnaire of stressor and stress response, in addition to hardiness. The main results of the hierarchical multiple regression analyses were as follows: (a) of the three subcomponents of hardiness, commitment and control had moderating effects, especially, commitment had buffering effects; (b) hardiness had direct and buffering effects; and (c) these effects were dependent on the differences of stress response.}, pages = {143--152}, title = {アメリカ映画に見る「老い」の諸相 : 製作時期と主人公の性別に基づく考察(人文・社会科学編)}, volume = {41}, year = {2006} }