@article{oai:kwjc.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000890, author = {幾留, 秀一}, journal = {鹿児島女子短期大学紀要, BULLETIN OF KAGOSHIMA WOMEN'S JUNIOR COLLEGE}, month = {Apr}, note = {The paper deals with the result of a wild bee survey made in Shiroyama Park, Kagoshima City, southern Kyushu, Japan, during the bee season in 1980, in order to obtain some basic information upon the faunal makeup, phenology and flower visiting habits. Through the seasons, Halictidae were found to be predominant both in the number of species and of individuals. Bees were abundant in early summer, summer and autumn in the number of species, in spring, early summer, summer and autumn in the number of individuals. Compositae were most attractive to bees. And further, the assessment of natural environment in Shiroyama Park is tried by comparing the result of a wild bee survey taken at Shiroyama Park with that at Godaisan, Kochi City, Shikoku and with the bee fauna in Kagoshima Prefecture.They showed good results.}, pages = {99--135}, title = {都市型自然公園の環境とハナバチ相 : 鹿児島市城山公園における調査結果 : 附.鹿児島県本土のハナバチ類改訂目録}, volume = {27}, year = {1992} }